Creating flow, creating peace


Your home is an extension of you. What you have on the walls, what kind of furniture, your book collection, the layout of the space, how it’s organized, paint, photos, etc. all reflect you. You are what you eat and you are where you live.

Create a space that flows with your flow. Wherever you look see something pleasing. Let everything have its own place to settle into and be at rest.

I have recently spent time making a space I was unhappy with, had bad memories in, and really didn’t want to be in everyday, into a space that feels like home and feels like me. On no budget at all I put up old curtains I had in the closet, I framed my own posters with cheap online mattes and reused frames, I covered the dining table with a large colorful table cloth, and most importantly I moved ALL the furniture to create a new feel and shape to the space. I hung hooks to organize coats and bags. I bought a filing box and folders to organize piles of papers that were cluttering my space or overflowing cardboard boxes. I found two pieces of furniture on the street that worked perfectly with what I needed and was given a few large pieces of furniture by a friend who was moving. I asked for help and it came.

I still have a whole list of changes I want to make to better organize my space but mostly to surround myself with love. Photos, art, color, inspiration. All of this change creates space for me to live the life I want to live and feel like I am the person I want to be. It’s a work in progress just like I am. Putting time and energy into my space has been like putting time and energy into improving myself. It’s a powerful tool to bringing your own energy into balance and finding a feeling of peace just by walking through a door.

We should all have that place of peace. Even if it is just a corner in a room with your special chair or an altar you created for meditation or prayer or a kitchen where everything is exactly where it should be for easy flow as you create. Ideally from every place you stand or sit or lie down in your home you should see in front of you something that makes you happy in some small way.

Making peace in your home makes peace within yourself. Then you can take that place of peace back out into the crazy world, feeling more balanced.

I haven’t felt much like me for a long time – but dusting off treasures from travels long ago, unboxing and displaying books that follow the path of my life, unfolding fabrics that used to live in my home years ago have all reminded me of the self I have always been. And I like her. And I want her back.

So, sure these things are all just things, but they are symbols of so much more, and as symbols they have given me a power and inspiration to again focus on myself and give myself a healthy space to feel the freedom and security to go within and be with my deeper self.

7 thoughts on “Creating flow, creating peace

  1. I like her too, and i’m so glad to know her. Beautifully written, Mitra. I’m making your baked french toast for shower in a couple weeks. After that, I’ll be free to plan something with you to reciprocate the lovely brunch you hosted. Maybe it will not be so cold by then…fingers crossed. Xxoo

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  2. This completely resonates with me. For years I only half-lived in places… and I felt uncomfortable, out of place, like a transient… but I also realize in hindsight that this was a transition period in my life and you’re right, it was a reflection of me. In years since, I’ve taken the time (not necessarily the money) to create a place that feels perfect for me at this stage in life. It’s odd to look at four walls and realize how much they reflect who I am right now. Great article. I love that I know you. xo


    • Thank you Amy! It’s amazing how long we can go on and on in transition and how long it can take to finally feel ‘in place’. Feeling ‘in place’ feels great whether it is a location or just how we feel in our own skin. : )


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